a series of 4...
1- Emergent Literacy
February 26, 2009 / Print Motivation, Print Awareness, Vocabulary & Letter Knowledge
2- Emergent Literacy
April 2009 / Phonological Awareness & Narrative Skills
3- The Storycrafters
June 15, 2009 at the Orem Public Library / call 801-229-7264 for registration information
4- Putting It All Together
November 12, 2009 7:00 pm @ the Orem Public Library (all are welcome)
Notes on Emergent Literacy
The first 2 workshops we discussed Emergent Literacy and how it applies to the way we do storytelling in our Library.
I have to say that I personally think that a lot of Emergent Literacy 'stuff' tends to interfere with the actual storytelling.
Don't get me wrong, I believe in Emergent Literacy, it's just that it's very easy to interject too many 'asides' or 'added information'. Those two-year olds are just not going to keep track of a story if you keep stopping the flow to impart some 'ER nugget of wisdom'.
This does not mean you can't learn from all the emergent literacy research and use the principles to enhance your storytelling.
So read on, look at the handout I created for our storytellers and check out some of the links I used for my research.
Emergent Literacy, Using the Library as a Resource:
Rhythm, Rhyme, Sing-Along’s & Fingerplays
Handout - Cover Handout - Inside
(if printing, print in Landscape - oh, and it prints clearer than it looks compared to when you just bring up the file onscreen)
A List of Emergent Literacy Links:
Utah Kids Ready to Read
Kids Love to Know
Family Education.com
links updated 3/10/11
What is the "laptime box"? Is it a story box for babies? I do something similar with Mother Goose on the Loose. I also wanted to ask your opinion on size of class. How many babies makes for a good program? I'm thinking about adding another time in the Fall because my group is so big (13-15 babies/toddlers and 10-15 adults).
Courtney -
As far as the Laptime Box - all we use it for is to hide the puppets until it's time for them to participate in the Laptime - otherwise it turns into a free-for-all with kids seeing and wanting the puppets.
About program size - this turned into a long answer! I'll post it on the blog...
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