Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A bit of this and that...

Just two items today that I could not resist posting...


There is a GREAT new-ish book out !

There Was An Old Monster by Rebecca, Adrian; Ed Emberley
OPL catalog link

A delicious take on the old story There Was An Old Lady (Who Swallowed A Fly)/OPLbook link/Mimi's Motifs Doll link where we now meet a wickedly greedy old monster who swallows a tick,(it really makes him sick) and follow him all the way to his fortunate demise, he is a monster after all. He only gets what he deserves for trying to swallow what won't be swallowed!


And for another kind of monster . . .

Our Laptime teller today had a great song she introduced our patrons to - I LOVE it and can't wait to share it!

What do you do with a cranky baby

tune: What do you do with a Drunken Sailor
- thank you Amanda A.!

What do you do with a cranky baby
What do you do with a cranky baby
What do you do with a cranky baby
Early in the morning

Heave Ho and up she rises
~ lift baby up high
Heave Ho and up she rises
Heave Ho and up she rises
Early in the morning

Take her in your arms and tickle her all over
~well, what do you think? You TICKLE!
Take her in your arms and tickle her all over
Take her in your arms and tickle her all over
Early in the morning

Heave Ho and up she rises
Heave Ho and up she rises
Heave Ho and up she rises
Early in the morning

...I love this tune's rollicking fun, but honestly, do YOU want to your little ones belting out the traditional lyrics in the middle of the grocery store? This version is so much better suited for storytime don't you think? ;)

1 comment:

Mrs. Darling said...

Love it, love it, love it! I wanted a new knee bounce this week, so I always try your site first, and this is it!