Thursday, December 9, 2010

Monkeying Around

Opening Music:
I Wan'na Be Like You
from Disney's Jungle Book

What do you do with a Cranky Monkey
by Amy White
(Tune: What do you do with a Drunken Sailor)

What do you do with a cranky monkey
What do you do with a cranky monkey
What do you do with a cranky monkey
Early in the morning

Heave Ho and up he rises
~ lift baby up high
Heave Ho and up he rises
Heave Ho and up he rises
Early in the morning!

Take him in your arms and tickle him all over
~well, what do you think? You TICKLE!
Take him in your arms and tickle him all over
Take him in your arms and tickle him all over
Early in the morning

Heave Ho and up he rises
Heave Ho and up he rises
Heave Ho and up he rises
Early in the morning!

Up in the Treetops
by Michael S.
(Tune: Up on the Housetop)

Up in the tree tops, I swing all day
Swinging here and swinging there
Got to get bugs and bananas too
Got to hurry back and so do you

Swing all day, yes I may
Swing all day, yes I may

Got to get some bugs and bananas too
Got to hurry back and so do you.

by Jennifer Ward

On Top of the Treetops
by Michael S.
(Tune: On Top of Old Smokey)

On top of the treetops
All covered with leaves
I lost my banana
When somebody sneezed

It fell off the tree tops
And onto the ground
I have to go get it
Before it gets brown.

Just One Bite by Lola Schaefer
OPL Link

Can't Bug Me
(a slightly altered version from Let's Play Music - they use this one in such a CUTE way to learn notes, not my goal here, but it's an awesome idea they have!)

I eat bugs.
Every kind of bug I see!
I like big ones and the bad ones
and the fuzzly purple flat ones!

People think they're yucky.
But I just don't agree!
No you can't bug me!

If All the Raindrops

If all the raindrops
were lemondrops and gum drops
oh what a rain that would be.

I'd stand outside with my mouth open wide
ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
~head back, mouth open wide, sing 'ah, ah, ah..' to the tune

...if all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes

...if all the sunbeams were bubblegum and icecream

Animal Boogie by Debbie Harter
This comes with a fabulous CD!

by James Warhola


And even more ideas...

Bananas of the World Unite!
Amy's version / alternate ending

Bananas of the world unite!
~clap at 'unite'

Form banana, form form banana
Form banana, form form banana
~clasp hands together above your head

Peel banana, peel peel banana
Peel banana, peel peel banana~arms peel down from above your head

Shake banana, shake shake banana
Shake banana, shake shake banana~shake yourself
Go bananas, go go bananas
Go bananas, go go bananas
~go Crazy!!! Think like a 60's go go dancer, arms up and down, oh yeah baby!

Now, all my bananas...

~at midline, hands go from together, fast to out to sides - think an umpire signaling 'safe' - unless you can do the splits, if you can, do the splits - wow, kudos to you!

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off an bonked his head
Mama called the dr. and the dr. said,
No more monkeys jumping on the bed,

       Four little monkeys…

Five Little Monkeys Swinging in a Tree

Five little monkeys swinging in the tree
~fingers swing back and forth like monkeys in tree

Teasing Mr. Alligator,
Can't catch me, no, you can't catch me
~thumbs to sides of your head, waggle fingers in a 'nana na na na'

Then along came Mr. Alligator
~bring a hand from behind your back, sneaky, slithery, silently...

As quiet as quiet can be
~'nab' one of your monkey fingers with the sneaky alligator

that monkey right out of that tree!

     Four little monkeys swinging in a tree...
     Three little...
     Two little...
     One little...
No more monkeys
(Mr. Alligator has a FULL tummy!)

Down In The Jungle
Have children slap their hands on their knees and then clap them together to set the rhythm of the chant.

Down in the jungle
With the beat in your feet,
Think of an animal
That you'd like to meet.
That you'd like to meet ________!
(Call out a child's name and have them name a jungle animal)

A (Monkey), A (Monkey) She wants to see a (Monkey)!

Then have all of the children imitate a monkey. Keep repeating and naming different animals for the children to imitate and don't forget the growls, screeches, and roars! This is also great for large motor indoors on rainy days.

The Monkeys in the Jungle
(To the tune of The Wheels on the Bus)

The monkeys in the jungle say
ooh, ooh, aah, ooh, ooh, aah, ooh, ooh, aah,
The monkeys in the jungle say
ooh, ooh, aah, all day long.

Continue with parrots say squawk tigers say grrr ...

I'm a Little Monkey
(Tune: I'm a Little Teapot)

I'm a little monkey in the tree
Swinging by my tail so merrily
I can leap and fly from tree to tree
have lots of fun you see.

I'm a little monkey watch me play
Munching on bananas every day
Lots of monkey friends to play with me
We have fun up in the tree.

Monkey Fingerplay

The monkey claps, claps, claps his hands
( clap hands)
The monkey claps, claps, claps his hands (
 clap hands)
Monkey see, monkey do

The monkey does the same as you!
(point to children)

Repeat, changing motions (monkey stomps his feet, covers his eyes, sits down, stands up, etc)

Monkey See, Monkey Do
(Tune: This Old Man)
perform the motions as you sing about them

If you raise your arms,
I will, too—
Monkey see, monkey do!

Whatever you do,
I’ll do it too—

Monkey see, monkey do!
If you clap your hands,

I will, too—
Monkey see, monkey do!

If you scratch your head...
If you stamp your feet...
If you hop around...

Jungle Sounds
Let's Play Music

Divide into 4 groups. This side, you are all the Elephants, next to you are the Lions. This other half, let's split you into the last 2 groups, Monkeys and Cicadas. Now here are your parts:

- boom

- puh, puh

- eee, eee, eee, eee, eee,

- chi chi chi chi, chi chi chi chi


Banana! Ed Vere
OPL Link

From Head to Toe by Eric Carle
OPL Link

Jungle Boogie by Sally Crabtree

No More Kissing by Emma Clark
OPL Link

Sitting Down to Eat by Bill Harley
MP3 download   OPL Link

Mommy, Carry Me Please! by Jane Cabrera
OPL Link

Monkey Face by Frank Asch / felt story
Out of print

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Cranky Monkey song and will be singing it tomorrow morning to MY monkeys :O) Thanks for such a great list and for all your other ideas and suggestions. I'll be taking notes and heading to our library next week! Becky Jaine